A lively dialogue around the role that arts and culture play in a democratic society, with Manon Slome, President of No Longer Empty, and artists José Parlá, Paul Ramirez Jonas, and Caroline Woolard. Moderated by Deborah Fisher, Executive Director of A Blade of Grass.
New York City has rich history of providing culture to all its citizens and a renowned reputation as a cultural capital. But at this critical mayoral transition, the art world is a particularly vivid example of de Blasio’s “tale of two cities.” Who has access to the art world? Can NYC be a cultural capital when artists cannot afford to live and work in the city? Who pays for art when it’s free? What are the best models for providing art and culture to all New Yorkers?
This event is free and open to the public.
Children are welcome. The Children’s Museum of the Arts will host an information table to share methods of engaging youth in the arts.
Talking Transition is an open conversation about the future of New York City. We’re transforming the typically closed-door transition process between Election Day and the Inauguration into an opportunity for New Yorkers to make their voices heard. From November 6 – 23, events will fill open tents along Canal Street in addition to mobile “tents” in public spaces and the online forum talkingtransitionnyc.com.
The Talking Transition tents are located at Canal St & 6th Ave at Duarte Square.
Take the A, C, E, or 1 train to Canal St.
Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times