Sin Kabeza Productions

Lissette Olivares and Cheto Castellano are two of the three artists that make up Sin Kabeza Productions – a collective of artist and activist reseachers who use filmmaking, enthnography, science fiction, and curatorial practice to create installation and performance sites for people to come into contact with distant cultures. These “distant cultures” are imagined, composed, and recorded by the artists who give the viewer the impression that they have traveled through time and space to document a futuristic community. The artists share the evidence of this time travel by displaying their footage in a multimedia installation that includes video projection, televised transmission, photography and artifacts from the film shoot. Sin Kabeza’s most recent project is a nomadic installation venue known as SEEDBANK, which houses a futuristic video documentary entitled SEED about a post-gender world where animals are scarce and seeds are illegal, causing drastic transformations in human society. Both of these elements come together to produce an environment where the artists invite the audience to contribute to the evolution of art and culture by focusing on an ecologically conscious future where traditional definitions of biology are in flux. Submissions include photography, video, performance and text. The photography and video submissions are projected and continuously screened onto the walls of the temporary exhibition space, and the site is used as a symposium or concert venue to accommodate audience-generated proposals for public programming and other performance-based events. Their nomadic, documentary and installation-based art projects are guided by their idea of “symbiotic coevolution,” a combination of the terms symbiosis and co-evolution, which is grounded in the proposition that unlike organisms living together play fundamental roles in each other’s development, creating the possibility for new forms of sociable life among human and non-human beings. The artists need the audience to contribute to the display and conversations generated by this idea to activate the changes that can occur through the participatory environment. These artists are generously using the vastness of their creative capacities to depict a new world based on the combination of art and biology where human beings are an integral part of the development and sustainability of the cultural and natural environment.

Click here to see the un-edited footage of Sin Kabeza Productions.


Stills from SEED: Visualscapes from the Future

Images from SEEDBANK

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