Michael Quattrone
Board Member

Michael Quattrone (he/him) is an American poet. He is the author of Rhinoceroses (New School, 2007) selected for the New School Chapbook Prize by Olena Kalytiak Davis. His work is included in The Best American Erotic Poems (Scribner, 2008) and The Incredible Sestina Anthology (Write Bloody, 2013). Recent poems appear in Bennington Review, Salamander, and Poet Lore. He was a curator and host of the KGB Poetry reading series from 2007-2011. His work was first introduced by David Lehman in the “Best New Poets” issue of Octopus Magazine, 2005. Michael’s work as a singer-songwriter is featured on the album of original songs, One River (Wolfe Island Records, 2018). He lives in Tarrytown, New York, where he reads for The Westchester Review and Slapering Hol Press.