Gregory Sale

Board Treasurer

Collaborating with individuals and communities on aesthetic responses to social challenges, artist Gregory Sale creates large-scale, often long-term public projects.

For nearly 20 years, Sale has undertaken a series of projects focused on reframing the narrative of reentering society after incarceration, notably It’s not just black and white (2011) and Future IDs at Alcatraz (2018-19). The yearlong, collaborative project, exhibition, and programmatic series on Alcatraz was created in partnership with National Park Service, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, and 20 community organizations. In recent years, Sale and a group of justice-involved leaders and allies formed the Future IDs Art and Justice Leadership Cohort (2020-present), exploring how socially engaged art practice can support and further their effectiveness as catalysts of social change by rethinking structural and systemic power relations. Currently, Sale also facilitates projects exploring how voting and love can be understood as social political gestures.

His work has received support from the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Creative Capital, A Blade of Grass/David Rockefeller Fund, Art Matters, Center for Artistic Activism, and Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and artist residency awards (Grand Central Art Center, Montalvo, Headlands, Yaddo, MacDowell, and Ucross).

Based in Phoenix and Los Angeles, Sale is Professor of Expanded Arts and Public Practice for the School of Art, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts, Arizona State University.