Gregory Sale
ABOG-David Rockefeller Fund Joint Fellow in Criminal Justice
2018 Fellow

As the ABOG-David Rockefeller Fund Joint Fellow in Criminal Justice, Gregory Sale is developing Future IDs at Alcatraz to explore how individual stories of transformation can collectively help reframe the narrative of re-entry. The project comprises a year-long exhibition, workshops and public programs. Devised in collaboration with individuals honing their ability to succeed after incarceration (Aaron Mercado, Dominique Bell, Dr. Luis Garcia, Jose Gonzalez, Kirn Kim, Ryan Lo), the artwork depicts self-created identities in contrast to prison-issued IDs. Working in partnership with the Anti-Recidivism Coalition and other community organizations across California, Future IDs will activate the public’s imagination, generating critical community support necessary to advance justice reform.
Now in its third year, the ABOG-David Rockefeller Fund Joint Fellowship in Criminal Justice is a targeted fellowship that resulted from a year-long planning process between A Blade of Grass and the David Rockefeller Fund.
Artist Bio
Artist Gregory Sale engages stakeholders spanning political positions from the far right – Arizona’s infamous Joe Arpaio – to the far left – Angela Davis. It’s not just black and white (2011), at Arizona State University Art Museum, wrestled with the visual motifs of crime (striped uniforms, pink underwear, brown skin) that then Sheriff Arpaio manipulated for political advantage. Sale has collaborated with men sentenced as juveniles to life without parole (Life is Life, 2011-12) in Pennsylvania and others on death row (Love for Love) in Tennessee. Love for Love (2012-15) was first commissioned for the Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Rap Sheet to Resume (2015-16) for the Urban Justice Center, New York, and Future IDs (2016-present) with the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, Los Angeles, focus on reframing the narrative of re-entry. His work has received support from Creative Capital Foundation, Art Matters, SPArt (Social Practice Art), and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and artist residency awards (Yaddo, MacDowell, Headlands, Montalvo, Ucross, and Centre d’Art Marnay Art Centre). Based in Phoenix and Los Angeles, Sale is Associate Professor of Intermedia and Public Practice at Arizona State University.
Artist portrait by Brandon Ng